Make a report to this site Please always make a report to Wirral Borough Council before using this form. Report a Fault to Wirral Street Lights Fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory. Road Name*Street name where the lamp is situated. If not on a road, give a few words about the location. E.g. Entry between High St and Main Road.Wirral District*District in which the street light is situated. If exact match is unavailable select "other".WallaseyBirkenheadBebingtonWest WirralSouth WirralNumber on Lamp Post*Most lamp posts have an identifying number on the side facing the road. If the numbers are missing or unreadable please enter "unreadable" (without quotation marks)..Nature of Defect(s)*Please tick all boxes that apply. Permanently off Permanently on Timer problem Dim/Red/Poor light Flashing/Intermittent Column leaning/loose Duration of Fault*How long has this lamp post been defective to the best of your knowledge?Less than a weekFew weeksMore than a monthMore than three monthsMore than six monthsMore than a yearAdditional informationAny other relevant information. E.g. Are there trees impeding the effectiveness of the light? Streetlight ImageImage of Defective Street Light*Please post an image of the street light while it is not working.FileDescriptionIdentifying Number Image - if availableImage of Lamp Number (if available)Please post an image of the lamp identifying number, even if it is not readable. This image is not required, but helps support any argument that lamp numbers are not readable and need replacing.FileDescriptionPost Title EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ