A few days ago, 22nd, November, 2016, I made a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to Wirral Borough Council. This request sought to find out a number of pieces of information relating to streelighting on Wirral. This FOI request is quoted in full below. The reply from the council is due before 21st of December, 2016.
Quoted Complete Request
Dear Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council,
I am a Wirral resident. Over recent years I have become increasingly concerned over the state of repair of street lighting in Wirral. Although Wirral Borough Council has a stated policy regarding transparency, I find myself unable to find accurate information on the councils own website about a number of issues.
Would you please provide information regarding the following points:
1. How many street lights are there on Wirral? Please make it clear if the reply is detailing lighting columns/fixtures or individual lamps.
2. How many street lights on Wirral are currently known to be defective?
3. How many street lights were repaired by Wirral Council or their contractors for year ending 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 (part year to date).
4. Please provide figures for total money spent on bulk light changes as part of maintenance of Wirral street lighting for years ending 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 (part year to date).
5. How many street lights employ sodium, mercury, LED or other lighting technology?
6. Please provide running costs per light fitting for year ending 2016 as this is the most recent complete year. Please provide information for sodium, LED or other technology as employed and as it relates to the rating of the fitting. (It is accepted that costs are very different for a small street light in a minor road when compared to a large installation on a motorway or dual carriageway. My desire is for a clear comparison between comparable fittings in real world usage.)
Although request #6 perhaps requires some calculation I consider it a reasonable request as other councils freely provide this information on their websites, along with maintenance costs and more.
Please provide all the information listed within the 6 items above within 20 working days.
Yours faithfully,
David Felton
The original request date was 22nd November, 2016. Click here for the full FOI online request at whatdotheyknow.com.
A Christmas Lighting Present
If the council does reply within the twenty working days, I will have some Christmas lighting information! Happy holidays everyone!
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